Board Certified Specialists in Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease | Pay Bill | Patient Portal
gastroenterology associates in hickory, nc
To ensure a smooth and efficient visit, we've made all necessary forms available for you to complete ahead of time. Our Patient Forms page provides easy access to registration, medical history, and consent forms, allowing you to prepare for your appointment at your convenience.
Patients use electronic tablets at check-in which allows us to insert your most current information and medical history.
For procedures, patients are mailed applicable forms and asked to fill them out before the procedure. Please bring the completed paperwork with you. There may be additional forms for you to complete upon arrival.
For more information including insurance and appointment information, visit our office policies page.
Note: All forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.
If you are healthy and have no symptoms, call 828-624-1358 to schedule a screening colonoscopy. A registered nurse will take your medical history over the phone and schedule your appointment. If you are having symptoms, you need a referral from your Primary Care Physician.
Gastroenterology Associates, P.A.
415 North Center Street, Hickory, NC 28601
Endoscopy Center - 3rd Floor, Suite 300
Clinic - Lower Level, Suite 002
Infusion Center - Lower Level, Suite 002
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm.
(828) 328-9101
Our on-call physician can be reached through the Frye Regional Medical Center at (828) 315-5000 (established patients only)
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